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Mill Creek Chiropractic


Phone (425) 745-4430
Address 16212 Bothell-Everett Highway, Suite E,
Mill Creek, WA 98012 United States


If you're in search of a car accident chiropractor in Mill Creek, Washington, look no further than Mill Creek Chiropractic. Our clinic is dedicated to aiding those who have suffered auto injuries, providing expert chiropractic care tailored to your unique needs. We specialize in relieving pain and promoting healing without the use of invasive procedures or medications. Our approach involves a meticulous evaluation to identify underlying issues that may have resulted from a car accident, followed by a personalized treatment plan designed to restore your health and mobility. At Mill Creek Chiropractic, we understand the complexities of auto injury chiropractic care and are committed to helping you find relief and regain balance in your life. Whether it's whiplash, back pain, neck discomfort, or any other musculoskeletal issue caused by an automotive incident, our experienced team is here to offer compassionate care and effective solutions.
-Spinal adjustments to correct subluxations and alignment of the spine. Consultation and examinations to gain understanding of the cause of chief complaints.

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