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Capitol Pain Institute PA


Phone (512) 467-7246
Fax (512) 467-7247 - Fax
Address 3508 Far West Blvd, Suite 150,
Austin, TX 78731 United States


Don't let nagging pain ruin the quality of your life! Get in touch with us and we will help you get rid of it! At ‘Capital Pain Institute,' we enable you to take charge of your life again, with our comprehensive and individualized chronic pain management treatment and services. Founded by Dr. Matthew Schocket, we are a multidisciplinary centre located in Austin and central Texas. We place our team of highly specialized, experienced and dedicated, pain management experts, at your service, here. Our certified physicians are specialists in diagnostic and interventional pain medicine. On meeting you, they will first review your medical records and history and carry out a thorough physical assessment, to discover the root of your pain. Based on your symptoms, they will provide you with a precise diagnosis, suited to your specific needs. Our treatments include medications, injections, Stem Cell Therapy and Rich Plasma Therapy. Whether you suffer from neck and back pain; cancer pain; diabetic and non-diabetic neuropathy; disc herniation lumbar and cervical fibromyalgia; post-traumatic and surgical pain; headaches phantom-limb pain; sciatica; shingles; or work-related injuries; - with us you will find relief! Our comprehensive, effective, efficient, and empathetic care, can free you from a variety of these acute, chronic and complex pain conditions.

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