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Olympic Behavioral Health


Phone (833) 826-9533
Address 3618 Lantana Road, Suite 200,
Lantana, FL 33462 United States


Located in the serene community of Lantana, Florida, Olympic Behavioral Health stands as an anchor for those battling addiction and its related mental health challenges. Recognizing that every search for "drug rehab near me" signifies a courageous step towards transformation, we are committed to guiding you through your recovery journey with compassion and expertise. Our center specializes in providing Mental Health Treatment alongside addiction services to support both your psychological well-being and your physical recovery. Here, you will find a safe space where individualized care programs are designed to address your specific needs while fostering resilience and lasting change. With our dedicated professionals at your side every step of the way, Olympic Behavioral Health is devoted to helping you achieve balance and freedom from dependency within a nurturing environment.

Business Hours: Monday - Sunday: 24 Hours
Services: Mental Health Treatment, Partial Hospitalization, Intensive Outpatient, Dual Diagnosis, Drug & Alcohol Detox

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